Robin Bonnie Fernando Mayra Michael Michele Niccole Patty Paula Rhona Sara Urszula

Hi. I'm Michael and I'm a newly qualified Commercial Pilot. I'm sure you all will be wondering how I managed to end up working at SPIN Fitness. I qualified back in May of this year and have been "Swimming in an ever-growing hold pool" waiting to be snapped up by a British carrier. My parents had moved out to Marina Del Rey almost 2 years ago so I jumped at the opportunity to stay and bask in the sun. That was short lived when I was told I had to go and get a job rather than sipping beer by the pool and eating "In-N-Out" most days of the week!

All I can say is that it was a blessing that I ended up here as I am now hooked on Spinning! I have never been one for doing exercise and this was evident when I was piling on weight during my training. My goal isn't necessarily to lose pounds upon pounds of weight but I see the 8-week weight loss program as the tool to help me become a more active and healthy individual!

  Purchase the Spinning 8-Week Weight Loss Program at

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