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If your Halloween weekend was anything like mine it was filled with sugary temptations at every turn.
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Perfect Scores

During Weeks One and Two it was pretty easy for me to get perfect scores every day. Those Healthy Habits are ones I've practiced for years. But now in Week Three we have to try to not eat sweets or drink alcohol. That's a whole 'nother story. But as I said in our group meeting on Monday, I don't think it's realistic for most people to give up sweets and alcohol completely for the rest of their lives. What's more important is that you focus on earning as many points as you can every day, so that means paying attention to the choices you make. Do that, and I'm sure you'll find that you eat and drink a lot less of those calorie-packers. Maybe it's a matter of not having sweets and alcohol in the same day. Like for me, if I have a glass of wine with dinner, then I don't have dessert. And I make that most days during the week I have neither. So I'm pretty sure there are no more perfect scores in my future, but I realize that the more points I earn, the healthier I'll be.

Ok so I will confess -

I have had a couple of beers this week (I have a good reason) and it has been hard to halt the candy! I will point out that I have reduced the amount of each that I would usually have and I suppose that is a step in the right direction. The biggest blow has to have been today with candy, cake and other tasty goodness that surrounded me at work. I will be giving myself a big fat ZERO for healthy habit 6 which will make it the second one this week - woops. Rest assured I will be trying desperately to redeem myself over the weekend and hopefully hit the ground running for week 4.

week 3

So far I feel like I have done well. I have drank alot of water, I did not cosume alot of food over the weekend and I did not consume alcohol( saturday and sunday). The program is starting to take its effects on me.


I am going for a -0- on eating sweets today! But I think it is important not to feel deprived, it is just better to think of today as a treat. So I am enjoying the candy.

Trick or Treat!

"Forgive Me For I Have Sinned"

I'm not going to lie it's been really hard finding the time to exercise. I wake up at 5:00 a.m every morning to get ready to come to work. I leave work, pick up my kids, go home, cook dinner, help with homework, put them to bed, clean and get started on the following day. By this time all I want to do is go to bed. For me finding time to exercise and staying out of Jose's box has been difficult. Overall, I feel I've stood strong. Oops, I almost forgot about today. Today I ate everything that I got my hands on (It's Halloween). Sorry promise to behave from now on.

Happy Halloween!!!

Week three went well. I took my first resist a ball class. It was fun! It was a challenge and I feel great (sore but great). I also had some sweets, a couple not a lot I am only human.

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Happy Halloween!!!  

Halloween Time

Today is definitely the most challenging time to be on the 8-Week Weight Loss Program. Everybody at work celebrates Halloween, and you can find candy and all sorts of sweets everywhere in the office. Even though today is the hardest day, you can find out how strong your will is.

Good luck everybody!

Just say no to alcohol!

I am very proud of myself; I went out on the weekend and learned to say no to alcohol! How I did it do it you ask? I was the designated driver!! Perfect excuse for myself and to others. The second I said I was driving everyone who wanted me to drink backed off, no peer pressure. Now have to find the perfect excuse for candy.....

Going Strong in Week 3

I'm doing really well this week! (I know, I know, it's only Tuesday.) I taught a great Spinning class last night, and I felt really good afterwards. I didn't snack after dinner, which was hard because I'm definitely a snacker. I'm also eating a healthy breakfast, and eating plenty of fruits and veggies.

Giving up sweets hasn't been hard for me. I'm hypoglycemic (low blood sugar), so I have to limit my sugar intake as it is. Like Patty, I'm going to struggle with alcohol. Nothing sounds better to me after a long day at work than sipping a bottle (I mean glass) of wine. (Is wine high in calories? I'll have to look that up.) I'm not sure I can swear off alcohol, but I will limit my consumption.

Week 3 and still no Diet Coke....go me!

Shoulder Sweattttt

Yeaaaaah! My shoulders sweat like crazy yesterday during Niccole's ride! That is the challenge I always pose to all exercise instructors: Can you make my shoulders sweat? It's the only part of my body that doesn't immediately sweat when I exercise, so if there are beads forming (or better yet, dripping) by the end of class, I know I got a good workout. Or, at least, I feel like I got a good workout.

Everyone's been blogging about their nutrition (which is rad, I am pretty impressed and inspired by everybody giving up sweets this week) but nobody's really said too much about their activity patterns and/or improvements. Anyone take up a new exercise? Take a new class at the gym?

Let me tell you about my new exercise I took up: swimming. DANG that is hard!! I used to swim in high school and figured while I was buying my new, unflattering exercise swimsuit that I'd be able to jump right in and do 10 laps easy.

WRONG!! When I did get to the pool and over the self-consciousness I felt when walking out of the lockeroom in a high-cut one-piece (hello 1980s), I started off with a lap and after 25 freakin yards, I started feeling my heart rate jump up and my breathing get heavier. By the end of 4 laps I was almost gulping water.

My point is, it's CRAZY good exercise. I did about 5 sets of 4 laps, which took about half an hour. I guess my goal is to be able to do twice that in the same amount of time. If anyone is part of like a 24-hour Fitness or Gold's, etc., most of those places have locations with a pool so you don't have to spend extra money (except I don't know how many of you own racing swimsuits and caps and goggles). I've heard a lot of people say they hate running (don't blame you), so swimming might be a cool, easy-on-the-joints, enjoyable alternative. I'm even going to get a waterproof case for my iPod so I can listen to some EWF while trying to do the butterfly (the most awkward swimming style of all, it basically looks like you are backwards diving and screaming at the same time).

Some other good stuff that you can do on your own:

  • I have Sgt. Ken's boot camp DVD. If you have enough space in your living room, you should give it a try. I'll bring it tomorrow and have it on my desk. I got to phase 2, and it got pretty hard. He gives good modifications for people who, say, can't do push-ups on their toes. And there is some tubing I have that you can borrow as well, as he does a lot of exercises with those.

  • I also have the YAS yoga DVD. You don't really even need a yoga mat, but it's helpful. Some of the poses are pretty advanced, but give it a shot and if you have any questions on form you can ask me or some of the others here who have some yoga experience.

Giving up alcohol.....

Week three is here and with that comes giving up sweets and alcohol :(.... Yikes.. I can give up food, sweets and whatever else they want me to, but not alcohol... :) That's going to be my biggest challenge. Don't get me wrong, I'm not an alcoholic or anything, I just like contributing to the fund.. ha-ha j.k. I like having a few beers on the weekend... I'm not into sweets, so that should be easy to give up. Well wish me luck because I'm going to need it... Peace, peace..

Weekend challenges

This past weekend I indulged in ice cream both Saturday and Sunday but I don't feel like I totally blew it. I used the smallest bowl I could find to help with my portion control. As suggested, I brushed my teeth after and it seemed to help the cravings for seconds.

I've just read the healthy habits that we are working on in week 3. YIKES! No sweets? I usually have a bite of something sweet once a day. This week is going to be challenging because it's Halloween. Help!


The Good News: I did get the rest I was looking for this weekend.  The Bad News: I don't think it was a personal best in terms of quality of nutrition.  The problem was entertaining family, which somehow comes with snacking and eating out.  As we all know these two areas are full of potential pitfalls.  High calories things like potatoe chips and chocolate croissants.  I did keep drinking water, was never stuffed or famished, ate breakfast, didn't even snack after dinner.  Back on track again on Monday.  We will see how fruit and veggie servings go with fewer sweets and no alcohol.  Week 3, here we go!

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